I am passionate about creating products that make users a pro-active part of the experience.

Mor.e Contemporary

Role -

UX/UI Designer/Web Designer

Task -

Creating an engaging and intuitive website that highlights the diverse facets of the company.

Objectives -

Crafting a design that embodies the brand's ethos and mission.

Challenges -

Maintaining equilibrium between aesthetics and functionality. Recognizing prevalent challenges and devising strategies to tackle them while safeguarding the brand's identity.

The Old Church Tower Project

Role -

UX/UI Designer

Task -

Re-vamping the Bramcote Old Church Tower's website

Objective -

Enhancing the charity's online visibility, thereby bringing attention and further value to its activities.

Challenges -

Giving the website a modern look and feel while preserving as much as possible its original appearance and structure.

Implementing the findings discovered during the research phase, including user testing and competitive benchmark.

Hotel project

Role -

UX/UI Designer

Task -

Designing a hassle free check-in/check-out booking process

Objectives -

Creating a design that reflects the ethos and mission of the brand while building an efficient, user-friendly booking process.

Challenges -

Keeping a balance between aesthetic and functional elements. Identifying common pain points and how to address them while preserving the identity of the brand.

Weather App Project

Role -

UX/UI Designer & Developer

Task -

Learning React to code a web app showing the weather in real time

Objectives -

Creating a functional web app showing the current weather, including humidity and wind, in real time.

Challenges -

Learning and understanding how to use React. Understanding how to use and integrate API. Researching and choosing which parameters to keep and which to leave out.